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Taun 2015 Paga Yabu Egu Bogo Eti Arar Eeruok Nen, Nininggi Ambimo Wonggo Kaok Pedal-Pedal Yurak Mea Arar Ma Email : paga erogo bino nda, ambi kinil wotninaburak kalok wa...!
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TRPB Commander in Chief, Gen. TRPB Mathias Wenda that the war between TRPB and the Indonesian TNI still continues today

Unknown | 21.06 |

TRPB Commander in Chief, Gen. TRPB Mathias Wenda that the war between TRPB and the Indonesian TNI still continues today

SPMNews received further call from TRPB Commander in Chief, Gen. TRPB Mathias Wenda that the war between TRPB and the Indonesian TNI still continues today at the West Papua – PNG border, Wutung Village of New Guinea Island.

Some of the PNG Armed Forces also helping the TRPB fighters by providing logistics and shelters, in the name of brotherhood as Papuans, rightly owners of the New Guinea Island. They also talked directly to SPMNews saying that their hearts are crying for the fight for the Independence of New Guinea Island (not just western part, West Papua). They expressed appreciation and said, ‘you must tell all supporters worldwide that we Papuans, in this One Island are united in our hearts. But we are waiting big bosses as top leaders in Moresby to change their attitude towards Indonesia and West Papua, and that will happen most probaby after Somare is replaced by a younger leader.”

They also mentioned some names of future potential leaders for National Government in Moresby whom they know will support the cause. Gen. Wenda said on the phone, “We are not going to stop this fight, until Australian and New Zealand Government, after reporting to their Queen Mother in London, to step in and mediate Dialogue between myself with the President of Indonesia, not with leaders outside who claim themselves as representing OPM. OPM is not an armed wing organisation, it is a political organisation. I heard OPM has joined the West Papua National Coalition for Liberation), but tell the world, the TPN, the armed wing which is now called TRPB is now being organised better and organisationally more consolidated. The fight still continues and will continue, tell them to help us, not help us in the fight, but in mediating negotiations.”

The call also claimed has killed 33 Indonesian armed forces, but SPMNews could not confirm this number in the field. Indonesian media never report any casualties like this. Recently in Puncak Jaya, TRPB under Nggoliar Tabuni (NOT Goliath) also claimed killing six Indos, but Indos media only revealed one or two of them.

More reports on this continuing fight will follow


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MPP TRWP: Central Defense Headquarters West Papua Revolutionary Army.

Taun 2015 paga Yabu Egu Bogo Eti Arar Eruok Nen, Nininggi Ambimo Wonggo Kaok

Pedal-Pedal Yurak Mea Arar Ma Email : paga erogo bino nda, ambi kinil wotninaburak kalok wa...